How the Funeral Process works
Once somebody has passed away, either in the hospital or at home, death will need to be confirmed by a healthcare professional.
The caregiver of the deceased, the Family, will be given options of funeral homes to choose from. In order to use the Muslim Funeral Home of Rockford's services, the Family must choose it as the funeral home of choice.
The Family should contact the Muslim Funeral Home of Rockford (MFHR) either by phone at 815 222 7257 (or the contact information listed below) or by filling out this form and send to us. (we need this information to have all the paperwork)
MFHR's contact information must be provided to the healthcare facility in order to coordinate the transportation of the deceased.
MFHR will transport the body of the deceased to our funeral home facility, arrange and help i
to prepare the grave, and coordinate paperwork details with the family.
The body of the deceased will be given a gusul (bath) according to the Islamic guidelines and prepared for Janaza (funeral prayer).
The body of the deceased will be transported from the MFHR facility to the Mosque for Janaza (funeral prayer) and then from the Mosque to the chosen cemetery for burial.
MFHR will provide the deceased's death certificate from the state of Illinois to the family within 2-3 weeks after all pieces of information are furbished. Please do not hesitate to call us for any assistance in the process.